David Marron | One for sorrow, two for joy | Wednesday 28th August to Tuesday 10th September 2019

My head loiters somewhere amongst art, life and experiences encountered as a paramedic. The work I make attempts to understand something about people and our shared, dislocated position in this world - recognising its history and problems, our illnesses and the ageing process.

Using art as a baton to pass on, from one misfit to another. Drawing is at the heart of what I do. There is a simplicity and an instinctive honesty to its guttural marks. Gestures that try and give form to some emoted cognitive process. It is both remedy and mirror to the complications and congestion of daily conflicts.

Drawing shows its own anatomy; you can see the mistakes and corrective marks, that help dictate its structure - it is undressed. There is an active violence and subsequent nursing to making art that hopefully pushes it toward places hard to articulate with words. Art, like life, is not easy, it can be difficult to understand and interpret. This is not a bad thing. Right or wrong, love or hate is irrelevant. Engagement counts.



David Marron Ananke.JPG